Friday, June 1, 2007

Saturday Night Fever at Del Monte

Okay, I know enough is enough but these kids are intoxicating and always doing something to record..........

John Travolta watch out....

And just in case you aren't bored stiff with my efforts, (P.S. I will know from amount of comment response whether I am pushing it too far or not) Here's Paige enjoying an unusual lunch for a 4 year old.


Unknown said...

Love to see them from your perspective. We like that Will Smith song because the kids' chorus says "Nana-nana-nunana" You uploaded a different video than you meant to on the second one, though, and it's the one where I am talking on the phone.

get2eric said...

Ta Steph, fixed the goof............

Unknown said...

Al and I laughed at the sardine vid last night. She is such an avid seafood lover. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

hahaha Remember Uncle Wilf and his sardines?? if the bones were still in..he threw them up the table and refused to eat them...Awww :o)

Emily said...

Wow. Quite the connoiseur!

I enjoy watching your videos, and obviously Paige does too!

paula said...

Love watching the vids, the sardine munching made me hungry. Luke loves seafood too, adores prawns. The dancing to Will Smith is so funny. XX