Well the tomato has ripened and looks so nice I thought I would regale you with a picture of it before it gets harvested. Before you all get over the giggles, let me advise you that I have big plans for next Spring. Stay tuned. Well you don't need to stay tuned, I'll remind you.

What's that you say? You want a closer look?

I'll bet that lone 'mater is delicious!!
hahaha Looks good enough to eat..well done, 'little Tomato' :)
I hope by big plans for next spring you mean that you are helping me tend my massive new project. Please oh please mean that...
We ate the tomato tonight. It was really good. Tasty but not $6 worth!
Awww,didn't it have a 'mate'? :)
I know you have something to blog about now that the Walkers are back in town....
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