Too busy working.
I found the perfect P/T job for me. Selling wine.

At Anthony's suggestion I contacted Cameron Hughes Wines to see if they needed a Little Old Wine drinker to promote their product. They immediately recognized the potential and seized upon the opportunity to have an experienced raconteur-cum-slosher pushing their plonk.
I've worked 3 weeks and made a bunch a bucks. (Bev says she doesn't need the money but she likes me outa the house once in a while)
I work Friday and Saturday at Costco.

We plan on using my earnings to take more cruises. It takes 6 weeks to make enough for a 7 to 10 day cruise.
We are looking for one in August after we get back from Wales and Ken's B'day.
Let's see.......where shall we go? Alaska? Caribbean? Panama? Maybe The Med?
Hawaii again 'cos we enjoyed it so much last year. There are some that go around British Isles..........Liverpool on a cruise ship???
I'll keep you posted on the decision.
Oh by the way. You get free wine as well. Now, how bad is that?
You should come to Seattle and then take a cruise to Alaska!
ITA, Grandad, you should plan on the NE in August. But any of those destinations would be great.
Glad you found something you enjoy! And they were very astute to grab you when they had the opportunity!
Hi Lindsey. We will try to find something from SEA or YVR so we can stop in and see the NW coast clan.
It is already HOT HOT HOT in Houston so Seattle in August is appealing.
Nantucket is a possible option too.
How cool is that! So glad you are being kept busy doing something you really enjoy. Way to go Uncle Eric!!!
We are so glad CH is working out for you!
You jammy sod! now I AM envious!! happy days though (as Mum would say) Norma.
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