Monday, March 15, 2010

For My Fans

I have had a few murmurs from the gallery about the dearth of my postings. Well, truth is I haven't had my Austin kids here for a while and the Houston ones have been away in Cabo and now are in Morroco. So I've had no fodder.
BUT, I got a few pics today and will post them mostly for the Weaverham contingent and also for all you other lurkers who seldom comment.


Emily said...

Great pics! Everyone looks so relaxed and happy.

But even without the grandkids around, I know you've got some stories in you! Come on...what about your adventures as a butcher's apprentice or the varied jobs you did after coming to America?

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! come on we know you are full of...stories :) Tell the one about meeting Frankie Laine and he wanted you to go for a drinkipoo with him.

Norma. (the Weaverham contingent)