I was not scheduled to work and Bev can work on the fly so we were happy to do it. Col and Anna are a piece of cake to look after. They both listen well and are patient with Nana and Grandad.
Anth said that they needed to do their piano practice every day before ANY tube or game time. We complied.

We did a lot of interesting stuff. Nana took the kids to Super Target and while you wont see in the pictures the loot they got believe me they did OK. Anna liked her pillow so much that she slept on it! She also got Welligogs that are so cute they need a license.

I made a double portion of Lasagna for one dinner

And we had the pleasure of going to KaPow's for lunch on Saturday (no pics from me but Anth has some)And Anna got all dressed up and even put on makeup

Here's a coupla vids.....
So cute! Anna is really growing up so much. She doesn't look as much like a little girl anymore, although she's still just as sweet.
Glad you had a good time!
I agree with Emily Anna has shot up! The Lasagna looks good enough to eat!
A Postnote: Anna actually did her own hair and MAKEUP! She had on eyeshadow and mascara for our lunch at Kaprow. She is really getting grown up and then she gives one of her infectious giggles and you know she is still the sweet little girl we all love for a little while longer!
hahaha She does have a lovely,Girly laugh!! I laughed with her 'cos I made my own words up to 'I love my....' Reminds me of Jennifer very much. :)
Norma. Was it Pillow that she loves?
The heart shaped pillow was her early gift for Valentine's Day. He absolutely loved it and she said it helped her sleep so well!!!
Simple pleasures of children - gotta love it!
Thank-you,Bev/Nana. :) Is Eric ok?
I cannot believe how quick all our kids are growing (yours and ours) blimey! where did those years go? Ah,well, we have some wonderful memories tucked under our belts,don't we?
Eric is better than OK thanks
hahaha well am glad about THAT!! I suppose you have employed Bev. to be your P.A.? Anyway keep these videos going they are like my life's blood every day...I need them! :)
Hi Guys
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