Graham looking at a quarter: I think that's George Washington. Is it Grandad?
G'Dad: Well, it's a likeness of GW but it's not really him is it?
GMan: No it's a likeness.
GDad: He died a long time ago.
GMan: When Mommy was a baby?
GD: No, way before that.
He was buried around 1800 and it's now 2009
so it was more than 200 years ago
Grah: Were you alive?
GD: NO, I wasn't alive.
GMan: You're really old Grandad.
Thanks Graham
Graham: Grandad, did you have braces?
No Gray I never had braces. Your Mommy did, and Auntie Emily did as did Auntie Jennifer. Nana had braces too.
Well, what is all that silver stuff on your teeth?
GDad: Fillings Graham.
GMan: What is fillings?
GDad: When you have too much sugar or stuff your teeth get decay and they get cavities. Holes. And they drill out the holes and fill them with amalgamate. It's silver.
GMan: Well can you brush your teeth when you have braces.
GDad: Oh yes, yes you can.
GMan: Well how about fillings can you do it then?
GDad: Yes Graham, I brush every day morning and night. Sometimes in between too.
Thanks Graham.